The Ugliest Places
in the World

All of the ugliest & prettiest places are sourced from user responses. If you don’t agree, you can submit your own here or email us about making an edit.

Ugliest Places

UTS Tower

Sydney’s ugliest building may finally be in line for a makeover.

via twitter

UTS Tower

Ahh the old alma mater... ugliest building in Sydney...

via twitter

UTS Tower

Ugliest and prettiest buildings in Sydney, side-by-side.

via @bokkyt

Blues Point Tower

Blues Point Tower, stands like a lost kid’s building block on the carpet of North Sydney’s beautiful foreshore. It doesn’t fit, work or enhance the harbourside landscape, and stands as a monument to what might have been.

via online review

Blues Point Tower

The controversial Blues Point Tower on Sydney Harbour. Iconic or ugly? - either way you can't miss it on a harbour ferry ride!

via @stevierayford

Blues Point Tower

via @craigdonohue22

Wales Medical Centre

I thought I'd already seen Sydney's ugliest building. But I hadn't. I just saw it out a PoW hospital window. Wales Medical Centre, 66 High Street, Randwick. Any competitors?

via twitter


Prettiest Places

Sydney Opera House

Dramatic Sails

via @8xjzjx8

Sydney Opera House

I love my city. I especially love this icon, the Sydney Opera House!

via @melissacristinamarquez

Sydney Opera House

Jump shot Sydney Opera House!

via @jumpshottraveler

Sydney Opera House

Still feels like a dream

via @geliyong

Bondi to Coogee walk


via @visual.sketches

Bondi to Coogee walk

I live here

via @anniellenx

Bondi to Coogee walk

via @xlilsonnyx


Sydney, AU

The Ugliest Places
in the World